February 2016 29
6 Pros and Cons of Horse Slaughter
Horses are domesticated animals just like dogs and cats. They are also used in farms and in horse racing. However, there are some countries where horses are slaughtered for their meat. Although this is not popular in the United States as it is in other countries, there are supporters and critics about this contentious topic. […]
6 Pros and Cons of Homework
It’s a debate that has been going on for a while: is it still a benefit to give children homework? Is it really necessary? Does giving homework improve performance in school? These and a lot more questions can be thrown at the practice of giving homework. While there are advocates, there are some who are […]
9 Pros and Cons of Having a Baby
When two people get married, one of the major decisions to make is on having a baby. From conceiving to giving birth as well as parenting, having another member of the family, more importantly a baby is life-changing. It becomes a lifelong commitment. While some couples are looking forward to starting a new life as […]
7 Pros and Cons of Geothermal Energy
For thousands of years, geothermal energy has been used in some countries for cooking and heating. This kind of energy is derived from the internal heat of the earth. It is contained in the rock and fluids located beneath the crust of the earth. This form of energy is found in shallow ground to a […]
12 Pros and Cons of Genetically Modified Foods
Since their development, genetically modified foods (GMOs) have been a hot subject of debates going on right now not just in the US, but in other countries. For some people, the idea of this technology is a good thing for many reasons, such as it allows crops to become resistant to infestations and drought, providing […]
7 Pros and Cons of Gender Selection
Is it a boy or a girl? Where before couples had to rely on luck to get the gender of the baby they desire, science has caught up and enables moms and dads to choose the sex of their baby. Thanks to the innovative procedure called gender selection. What is Gender Selection? As the name […]
6 Pros and Cons of Fossil Fuels
Fossil fuels – coal, natural gas and oil – are the primary source of energy in many countries. In the U.S. alone, they account for about 85% of fuel use. We use them to make our cars run, cook our food, light up buildings and houses, and keep our homes warm. Fossils have become a […]
17 Pros and Cons of Foreign Direct Investment
There are various forms and levels foreign direct investment, which depends on the type of company you are running and on the reasons for investing. As a foreign direct investor, you would purchase a business in a target country by means of an acquisition or a merger, new venture, expansion, acquisition of shares in an […]
8 Pros and Cons of Food Irradiation
Irradiation is the process of treating food products using x-rays, gamma rays, or electron beam in order to eliminate organisms that cause foodborne illnesses, destroy bacteria that cause food spoilage, and delay sprouting and ripening. Since 1963, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have allowed the technology to be used in a number of […]
6 Pros and Cons of Flat Organizational Structure
A flat organizational structure is defined by few management layers that have a broader span of authority. When correctly used, it can lead to faster decisions, happier employees and satisfied customers, but when implemented the wrong way, it can cause job confusion and low levels of customer loyalty. Basically, this business model is most practical […]
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