December 2013 13
Deindividuation Psychology
This is a social psychology concept which has been generally perceived as losing one’s self awareness when it comes to groups even if it is the matter of contention. Sociologists had studied the deindividuation phenomenon. However, the analysis level is still quite distinct. For a social psychologist, this analysis level refers to a person in […]
Globus Hystericus and Anxiety
Globus Hystericus and Anxiety is a kind of condition that is associated with anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, Pure O and OCD. Some people with this kind of condition feel that they have a lump in their throat. Most people consult their doctor and their prior concern is the treatment for globus hystericus and anxiety […]
Acculturative Stress Definition
Moving from one country to another is interesting to people who love to experience and explore new things. Nevertheless, it is a pain to other people because the strange land means a new life linked with worries and pressure brought by cultural clashes. People who experience acculturative stress often consider it tough and confusing to […]
Voter Apathy Definition
Voter Apathy is a common term used mainly in politics describing perceived absence of caring for voters during election. This attitude is more evident when one electoral party got large majority or when voters got little influence. Apathy is said to be an emotional state that is characterized by lack of interest or emotion either […]
Overcoming Stagefright
Stage fright is very common in stage performers especially to those individuals who are new such kind of job. Even some of professional performers can experience this problem while performing in front of several audiences. Stage fright can be prevented. And in order to overcome it, the individuals who are experiencing extreme nervous and fear […]
Martin Seligman: The New Era of Positive Psychology
Martin Seligman introduces the study of psychology and its intent of working one on one with each patient. Beyond just treating the disease, Seligman discussed how Psychology can influence the practitioners individual morales and values.
Thumb Sucking Psychology
A baby thumb sucking inside his or her mother’s womb is a common image that people see in books and when surfing the internet about something that relates to it. It is also a usual hobby that babies and toddlers do. Thus, one would think that sucking one’s thumb is just a normal thing. However, […]
Linking Positive Brains to Performance
The inspirational speaker Shawn Achor is known for his lecture on positive psychology. He travels around the world and to independent businesses lecturing on how human potential and happiness play hand in hand to business success. With 12 years experience at Harvard, he explains how to increase happiness, meaning, success rates and profitability through implementing […]
Oral Fixation Psychology
Have you ever experienced a period in your life when you always want something inside your mouth? Or that desire to keep your mouth always occupied with something? If you do, have you ever been worried that you would no longer be able to stop that desire? Did you have that thought to visit your […]
The Happy Secret to Better Work
Shawn Achor discusses the influence between an employees happiness level to their productivity. As happiness increases, productivity is actually inspired. Achor is a leading psychologist with research in positive psychology. His consulting firm works with businesses towards seeking solutions in positive workplace cultures.
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