Globus Hystericus and Anxiety is a kind of condition that is associated with anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, panic disorder, Pure O and OCD. Some people with this kind of condition feel that they have a lump in their throat. Most people consult their doctor and their prior concern is the treatment for globus hystericus and anxiety since they feel that there is something in their throat that they can’t explain.
Most people are focused on their throat when they know that they have globus hystericus and anxiety since they believe that their condition have the ability to choke or suffocate them. Globus hystericus is a kind of anxiety symptom. When you hear the term “symptom”, the first thing that comes to your mind is illness but the mere fact is anxiety is a kind of emotion that will tell you that you are totally safe.
The other term for globus hystericus is globus pharyngis and globus sensation. It is usually defined as a kind of feeling that there’s a lump in your throat that will let you feel like you are choked. Some people like you who have this problem will feel extreme pain in the chest and throat. There are no underlying conditions that can be found with this kind of sensation.
This condition is being categorized as a type of psychiatric condition that is typically associated with depression and anxiety. A person will be suspected as a patient with globus hystericus and anxiety when a certain he or she is not found with mechanical difficulty especially in swallowing.
Steps to Follow if You have Globus Hystericus and Anxiety
The first thing that you must do is to visit your doctor who will examine the underlying condition of the symptom. Your doctor will conduct a variety of examinations to determine the appropriate diagnosis as you describe what you feel.
• A physical test is one of the requisites to determine the proper diagnosis and treatment that the doctor will provide you. The examination will start from your neck up to the floor of your mouth. Your doctor will also observe you while you are eating solid foods like cracker or while you are drinking water. By doing this, your neurological and motor functioning will also be observed.
• If a certain sensation will cause extreme pain and you experience difficulty in swallowing and speaking, your doctor will refer you to an ENT specialist. The ENT specialist will make use of an endoscope device to check your throat. He or she may recommend that you undergo a swallow barium X-ray.
It is also important that you visit and consult your psychiatrist and therapist regularly to get some possible relief in treating your symptoms. A therapist will also suggest you to perform relaxation techniques and prescribe you with antidepressant and anti-anxiety medication. Cognitive therapy is also considered as one of the effective strategies that have the ability to reduce the symptoms of globus hystericus and anxiety. In other rare cases, the electroconvulsive therapy combined with antidepressants is also considered as one of the useful tools in treating those patients with globus hystericus and anxiety.