The Chinese zodiac has twelve animal signs in which each person born in accordance with a particular sign will have varied personalities and characteristics. Thus, people are able to look into the details and compatibilities as they seek guidance in life, love and marriage. Likewise, the Chinese zodiac relationship compatibility can provide guidance for those who seek answers about relationships.
In accordance with the Chinese astrology, animal signs are separated by four years which are thought to be compatible but not when they are separated by six years. There are certain ways to check the compatibility of a couple if they want to make sure about their future before they even decide to get married.
For beginners, the twelve signs are divided in four groups with three animals in each group. Accordingly, the groups are composed of animals having the same ways of temperament or thinking.
1. Group One
This group is composed of the Dragon, Monkey, and Rat. Basically, they often show traits related to intelligence and are also action-oriented. For relationships, they are able to complement in the intellect department that will prove their compatibility.
2. Group Two
The Ox, Rooster, and Snake are among the animals comprising this group. For starters, they are known to be deep thinkers and always focused at obtaining their objectives. Likewise, they complement each other in terms of habits and intellect.
3. Group Three
In this group, the animals are the Dog, Horse, and Tiger. When it comes to traits, they are inclined to freedom as they also have a huge sense of ego. Although they are egoistical in nature, they can understand each other well.
4. Group Four
The Pig, Rabbit, and Sheep are the three animals that reside in this group. Accordingly, they believe greatly in mutual cooperation and they also love peace. For the most part, they can be great partners as they can likewise be sympathetic.
The Chinese zodiac relationship compatibility can help determine if a couple can be good partners. Using this method will be able to know if they are compatible in romance or any other relationship for that matter. In the olden times, people were able to use this compatibility checking technique before they indulge into a romantic relationship. In fact, a lot of people still look up to it for that same reason.
For those who are not familiar with the zodiac signs used by the Chinese astrology, it is important to note that it is similar to the one used in the Western astrology. They also have a circle of animals, which refers to the scheme or plan that refers to future action associating each year to an animal with its reputed characteristics based on the twelve-year cycle. This has been a popular method used in several East Asian nations such as China, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, and Vietnam, to name a few.
The use of Chinese zodiac relationship compatibility might not be intended to influence any type of bias or irregularities. This is just applicable to people who have strong adherence to the Chinese way of life and might not negatively affect those who have adverse beliefs.