Coping and living with sexless relationship or marriage is challenging. This situation can also be very frustrating in your life especially if this is not the way you expect your life or relationship would be. However, coping with sexless marriage can never be that much of a burden if you learn how to deal with life the best possible way and think of ways on how to get the romance and intimacy back in your marriage.
Unless there is a certain physical problems that make sex impossible to both of you, there are various ways you can do make your happy and active sex life back on track. However, you have to understand that lack of sexless nights happen for a reason. It is therefore essential to know the common causes of sexless marriage before starting to execute the ways in coping with this issue and rectify it.
Common Causes of Sexless Marriage
These common causes might include the following:
• Depression
• Lack of time
• Lack of communication
•Relationship problems
How to Deal with It
These are just few of the many causes of sexless marriage that individuals should learn especially if they are in similar situation. But this should not rule your life for forever. Remember that sex is an ingredient to a happy and healthy marriage. Coping with sexless marriage becomes easy with the help of the following ways:
1. Stop blaming yourself about the situation. Showing lack of attention and interest does not necessarily mean that you are no longer attractive in the eyes of your partner.
2. Do not blame and get mad with your partner either. Remember that the issue concerns both of you so leave no room for blaming games. You might feel that your significant other start to let you down but casting blame will never be the solution. Look at your sexless marriage as one relationship problem that concerns both of you so each one is solely responsible.
3. In case you have not found a solution to your problem yet, find time to be fulfilled and happy in other ways. But this does not mean that you have to engage into sexual act with another person. Find time to enjoy new interests, hobbies, activities and friends. You can still find happiness despite the fact that your married life is on the rocks. Doing this might also change how your partner sees you and might as well decide to pay attention to you again.
4. When coping with sexless marriage, you should never be afraid to raise the main issue. Both of you need to talk things over. Opening the line of communication is one effective way of bringing back the understanding and romance as well. Another important thing is to never lose hope.
5. Make quality time for each other. If possible, explore things to remain connected with each other.
6. When coping with this set up, couples must both agree with the matter. If sexless marriage is what can really make both of you happy then so be it. But if not, it would be best to settle the problem at once.
These are just few of the many ways you can do to deal with sexless marriage. Other ways include taking pleasure in physical intimacy, avoiding extra marital affairs and being open about changes.