While limiting beliefs is the sort of thing that can sound simplistic, the truth of the matter is that the repercussions can be enormous and complex in the life of the individual. For this reason alone, it is important to understand that in truth, defining limiting beliefs is not as simplistic as one might first suspect.
Limiting Beliefs Definition
A good definition of limiting beliefs needs to cut right to the heart of this condition. Again, while the basic definition of limiting beliefs might be simple, there are other elements to the condition that serve to make it more elaborate.
Simply put, limiting beliefs refers to a false belief. This false belief is gained by the individual, as a result of that same individual making an incorrect assumption about something in life. There are a number of examples that a person can draw from, using this definition. For example, a person could fail at one part of a task, and then make the assumption that they are going to fail at the entire task. This might be true, but there is really nothing in the way of firm evidence to back up this assumption. The person may begin to harbor beliefs telling them that they are a loser, that they will never succeed in life, and that they are a failure. All of these thoughts are thoughts that define the concept of limiting beliefs.
As you can imagine, there are a number of downsides to harboring and nurturing limiting beliefs. At the end of the day, you’re going to notice that limiting beliefs have a tendency to encourage an individual to live below their true potential. You can look at a box that weighs ten kilograms. If you believe the box weighs a thousand kilograms, you probably wouldn’t bother to even lift the box. You’re telling yourself that you can’t succeed, based on false information.
You can pick up limiting beliefs from a variety of sources. In many cases, we pick up limiting beliefs from the experiences we pick up, over the course of our lives. However, it is actually also possible to pick up our limiting beliefs from other people. Can you remember a situation in which you believed something that your friend told you, which later turned out to be false? You gained a limiting belief from that friend.
Obviously, limiting beliefs can keep you from accomplishing things, meeting people, or on taking chances. Constantly question such beliefs.