Many people make sarcastic comments in an attempt to be funny or soften the blow of a critical thought. However, this is simply hostility that has been dressed up to look like humor and can still hurt the person on the receiving end of these comical put-downs. The work sarcasm actually comes from the Greek word ‘sarkazein’ which when translated literally means ‘to strip or tear the flesh off’ and is why the word sarcasm is generally followed by the word cutting. While it may seem like a funny statement to the one delivering the comment, the receiver is still hurt by what is said even though they hide it behind smiles and laughter.
While not all sarcasm is actually bad, someone who is overly sarcastic is simply being a bully or a jerk as it is meant to disguise their harsh thoughts. When looking to make a sarcastic comment, remember to use it as you would a rare and extremely potent spice while cooking, sparingly. To avoid harming relationships with your sarcasm, you may also want to ensure that your sarcasm is never directed at someone but rather something. This will ensure that your sarcasm isn’t cutting someone down, or simply use it in a positive manner to build someone up.
Why Are Some People Sarcastic?
The use of sarcasm can be a way of portraying various different things such as a way of dealing with something, a way of making a statement seem ridiculous, or to point out the ridiculousness of something that is untrue. However many people use their sarcastic humor to cut others down or make them seem not as important. Many of the reasons some people resort to sarcasm when dealing with issues they cannot deal with or problems with those around them is simply the insecurities that they feel or due to the jealousy against you. Some people are even sarcastic as something about you may bother them and they don’t know how to deal with it.
Handling Sarcasm
There are a few things you may want to ask yourself when you become the rear of someone’s sarcastic comment. First, is the person delivering the comment intending to be a jerk or hurt you? Second, are you always the subject of this individual’s sarcasm? Finally, are the comments always in mockery of you or malicious towards you? To handle these comments without creating more problems is to simply talk to the person who was putting you down in their sarcasm. Be sure to avoid any severe emotions and just explain that they need to stop and talk to you about what is bothering them.