June 2016 31
OCD Blasphemous Thoughts
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental disorder associated with having unwanted or intrusive thoughts and behaviors that are usually not the self-image of an individual. It also has sub-types, one of which is scrupulosity that can either be religious or moral OCD. This also comes in many forms with belief and religious duties being two of […]
OCD Scrupulosity Treatment
One of the sub-types of OCD is Scrupulosity, also referred to as Religious or Moral OCD. This is so because an individual with this condition experience repetitive thoughts just like any OCD patient but these obsessions are leaning to moral or religious beliefs. Although the cause of this disorder is unknown, this condition can be […]
Primarily Obsessional OCD
One of the most challenging and distressing forms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is referred to as primarily obsessional OCD. For people suffering from this condition, there are only a few observable compulsions than those seen with common forms of OCD. This type of disorder often shows horrific intrusive thoughts that points to a violent or […]
Ego Dystonic OCD
OCD (Obsessive-compusive Disorder) is a mental disorder that is characterized with certain repetitive routines, also referred to as “rituals” as well as repetitive thoughts. However, this condition should not to be confused with OCPD (Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder) since OCD is a disorder that is not compatible with the client’s concept to onseself and is ego-dystionic […]
Pure Obsessional OCD Treatment
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is popularly associated with compulsive behavior, such as the repeated washing of hands or checking if the door was locked. However, when it comes to pure obsessional OCD, it is different because the same type of compulsion or obsession only happens in the thought. Obsessions Experienced by People with Pure Obsessional OCD […]
Pure Obsessional OCD Symptoms
There is a known form of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) that takes compulsions and obsessions internally. Unlike the basic OCD, pure obsessional OCD makes the sufferer unaware of what is happening around as they experience the condition in the mind. The sad thing is that not everybody understands the symptoms. In fact, patients are often […]
Healing Emotional Wounds
You might think that the only scars you can have are physical but this is not the case. Many of the deepest wounds that you will experience in your lifetime are actually emotional. Just because you have moved on from a traumatic experience or that time has passed does not mean that you do not […]
Scab Picking OCD
A lot of people pick at their skin once in a while, but there are some cases where they cross the line into a condition called scab picking obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). When this happens, skin picking can become so intense and frequent that it can cause scars, sores and bleeding. Repeated scratching occurs because the […]
Retroactive Jealousy OCD
Some people are very emotional about the past, particularly about the previous romantic involvements of their partners. Thus, they often have unwanted and repetitive images and thoughts of their partners being with ex-lovers in the past. Consequently, this is referred to as a retroactive jealousy obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). There is often an intertwining among jealousy, […]
Tourettic OCD
There are common neuropsychiatric conditions that occur in childhood. Such may include tic disorder (TD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These illnesses are highly comorbid as there are 30% of patients with OCD have been reported to have a lifetime history related to tics, while 50% of those with TD have been reported to have a […]
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