Abraham Maslow is a well-known American psychologist that has contributed essential concepts and philosophies in the field of Psychology. He studied at that University of Wisconsin where he started showing interest in some concepts that relates the behavior of the people as well their potentials. He also became psychology teachers where he shared his knowledge regarding some of the important things that people need to learn in the field of psychology. Abraham Maslow contributions to psychology emphasize more of Humanistic Psychology. One of his greatest contributions primarily is about the human needs.
Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow’s contributions in Humanistic Psychology primarily aim to help the people in developing their potentials through self actualization and complete satisfaction of their needs. Since he believed that people are naturally goods, there would be a greater chance for them to acquire self actualization after fulfilling their needs.
Hierarchy of Needs
Abraham Maslow illustrated the needs of the people in a prepotent hierarchy. He really wanted to emphasize that before giving pursuing to the next level of human needs, people need to be completely satisfied with the first level of human needs. He showed the illustration through a pyramidal diagram that represents varieties of human needs. These needs are both the physical as well as the psychological needs of the people that are arranged according to the extent of how it is needed by the people.
People can acquire self actualization when they have already fulfilled all the needs that are illustrated in the pyramidal diagram. Based on Maslow’s principle self actualization of the people may automatically be acquired if the people will feel complete satisfaction of their needs.
The needs are in a pyramidal shape wherein the most important need is place in the bottom part which includes water, foods and other things that people will greatly need for their own survival. On the top part, there is the term self actualization that people may achieve in sustaining their daily life.
Peak Experiences
These are experiences that give emphasis on moments where people are showing affection, understanding and joy. These are profound experiences that develop the behavior and potential of the people that let them feel that they are alive and sufficient not only in their needs but also with the love and care of the people that surrounds them. This is more of the personality development that a person should acquire in order to live their life with contentment and satisfaction.
With the Peak experience of Abraham Maslow, he was able to list psychological values which he termed as the B- values. It is also part of his contribution that gives life to the behavior of the people. It primarily aims to widen the knowledge of the people regarding the development of their personality in order to acquire a successful and happy life with other people.
These are just some of Abraham Maslow contributions to psychology that gives emphasis on the needs and self actualization of the people. It is very important that people must have the knowledge of what these things are in order to acquire the best quality of life that they are longing for. Knowing more of the needs of the people will completely give them satisfaction and aims to reach the top acquiring self actualization.