The Black Swan is a kind of movie that has been portrayed by Nina Sayers who was also known as Natalie Portman. She really wanted this lead role especially in the theater production of the Swan Lake. The movie was not merely focused on actual dancing but with the emotionally and stressful taxing of self exploration and perfection that paves to psychotic breakdown. The character of Nina in the movie is very intriguing since it is obvious that her psychosis disorder is present. She was being diagnosed with a disorder called schizophrenia.
The schizophrenia is being characterized as a heterogeneous condition that usually starts during your adulthood stage. This kind of mental disorder is quite hard to differentiate if it is a fantasy or reality since it is associated with a variety of symptoms. The symptoms include disturbances in communication, language, perception, thought and volition. The symptoms are being divided into negative and positive which include hallucinations, delusions, behavior and disorganized speech. The latter symptoms include avolition, alogia, affective flattening and asociality.
According to some of the health care professionals, schizophrenia can be diagnosed when a certain individual experiences the two symptoms wherein one is positive and the other symptom is negative. This kind of disorder usually occurs if the person is not taking his or her medicines. Some of the environmental factors like stressful situations and poor social contact can trigger the development of this kind of disorder. The personality of Nina in the Black Swan movie is quite related to all the information that is being stated above.
The reason why Nina is being diagnosed with schizophrenia is that Nina already experienced two symptoms of this psychological issue which were delusions and hallucinations. Nina also experienced 22 hallucinations symptoms during the movie. Nina also felt difficulty to differentiate fantasy from reality. During the movie, Nina discovered some bleeding and scratches on her body that were caused by self grievance. The hallucination and reality started to begin when the movie progresses. The shocking ending was embracing the persona of a Black Swan.
The movie portrays the excellent job of psychosis disorder but there are still psychological issues that Nina usually encountered like the elements of anxiety disorder and obsessive behaviors. Nina also manifests eating disorder and self grievance behavior. The movie is considered as one of the fantastic jobs in portraying the severe struggle of a person with psychological illness. The story of the Black Swan is being described as a brilliant one. Violence has a great connection to a certain mental illness and according to a research; acute paranoia is considered as one of the factors that have the ability to increase your violence risks.
For those people who did not watch yet the movie, the Black Swan is a film that deals with complex and dark look in mental illness of unreal and real. The Black Swan movie is a kind of captivating work that will give you a clear and better understanding about a psychotic illness. If you want additional information regarding the psychological disorder that are presented in the Black Swan movie, just browse the internet or watch the Black Swan movie of Natalie Portman.