In most relationships, insecurity and jealousy is the root cause of problems and fighting. They say that feeling jealous is normal in a relationship, but it can also ruin the relationship once it turns to insecurity. Usually, insecure and jealous people have bad experience in their past relationships. If this happens to you, what would you do coping with jealousy and insecurity. Keep in mind that jealousy is like a parasite that would eat your love life. Here are some tips that can help you overcome jealousy and insecurity.
Understand Your Feelings
Finding out the cause of insecurity and jealousy can make you understand the feelings. Perhaps, you do not want your partner talking with opposite sex and many other reasons. In this case, you should tell your partner about it and work hand in hand in coping with jealousy and insecurity issues.
Build confidence
Low self-esteem can be the main cause of insecurity that includes the physical appearance. To spare yourself from insecurity, the best thing to do is to build your confidence. Keep in mind that you are unique and different from other people. That is why if you see that your partner is talking with other people of the opposite sex you should not be jealous because you are beautiful in a special way. Instead of being insecure, appreciate the qualities you have.
Trust and Believe in Your Partner
If you do not believe and trust your partner, most likely it will affect your ability in coping with jealousy and insecurity. Trust should be given and not asked, yet there is no harm in trusting your partner. There are instances in which a relationship is broken because one of the partners does not trust the other one. If you have bad experience from your past relationship, you should not bring it on your present relationship. Believe and trust your partner and you can expect for a harmonious relationships that would last for lifetime if not for long time.
Don’t Play Games
Feeling jealous is unbearably uncomfortable that is why you should not play games with it. Some people are trying to make their partner jealous because it makes them feel better. Never do it because in the long run it will not make you feel better. Otherwise, playing games can aggravate the feelings and worse break the relationships.
Jealousy is not a proof that you love the person. Rather it is a manifestation of self-love. If you love your partner you should consider his or her feelings. Coping with jealousy and insecurity is not about disallowing your partner to look at anyone else. Instead, you should learn how to manage your emotions in any given situation. It is alright to feel jealous, but make sure that it is reasonable. Talk your problem with your partner in the right time and in the right place. Otherwise, jealousy and insecurity will drive your partner away before you know it. Therefore, if you love your partner and want him or her to stay, manage your emotions and have self-control.