The prolonged duress stress disorder is a kind of stress that is associated with dramatic incident that includes car accidents, witness in a certain crime and events like physical attacks, catastrophes, wife battering, rape and sexual abuses. The feeling when you have this is just like you suffer from deep distress, loss of control, feeling trapped and feeling of helplessness. This kind of disorder is usually common to anyone who encounters dramatic and traumatic events in life.
Common Stress Disorder
The prolonged duress stress disorder is considered as one of the most popular stress disorders nowadays that usually affect both men and women. If you experience this kind of disorder, you are advised to consult your psychiatrist who has the ability to give you some pieces of advice and guidance that will help you in facing your condition. This health issue usually lasts for a long period of time especially if you are not engaged with proper counseling procedure and treatment. It is very important that you have a better understanding with this kind of stress disorder to easily get rid of it in a short period of time.
Treatment Options
Most of the specialists for this condition recommend their patients to have complete sleeping hours, proper eating diet, have regular exercise and undergo a counseling program that will help them in facing a traumatic event in life. Prolonged duress stress disorder is also considered as one of the difficult stress disorders that require full attention and time. It really needs full effort and proper knowledge to determine the appropriate treatment that you need to undergo. With the presence of counseling programs that are available nowadays, the recovery period of an individual who has this kind of condition will last for a couple of months.
The patients who suffer from this problem need to make sure that they are following the instructions of their physicians as well as they are taking their prescribed medicines regularly. If they follow their physician’s advice, they will have the best possible outcome in treating this particular disorder. Prolonged duress stress disorder is being classified as a form of anxiety disorder wherein the patients will develop this kind of disorder after experiencing and witnessing a traumatic scenario in their lives. Those who have this condition encounter and are suffering from the feeling of helplessness and fear.
Signs and Symptoms
The prevalent signs and indications of this condition include hyper arousal irritability, re-experiencing the trauma in a form of nightmares, flashbacks and intrusive emotions, constantly alert for danger and emotional numbing. The common symptoms of prolonged duress stress disorder are hyper vigilance; find hard time to fall asleep and to concentrate and the worst is creating exaggerated response. Most people who have this condition are required to undergo a professional treatment that will help them to recuperate from psychological damage that is due to a traumatic incident.
The process of debriefing sessions is also a great help that aims to encourage these persons to cope up with their emotions and feelings. If you are one of those people who experience trauma, you can recover from it in a form of engaging a conversation with your friends and family. Prolonged Duress Stress Disorder is not a sign of weakness; you just need to face it in the best way.