Have you ever felt something strange in your voice before? Does your neck especially on the part of your throat hurt? Well, probably you have a muscle tension dysphonia. Are you familiar with this term? What are the things that you need to know about this case? Here, you can check-out some information that you might need.
What is Muscle Tension Dysphonia?
Muscle tension dysphonia is a condition wherein the feel or the sound in your voice has changed and the primary cause is the tension in the muscle near your voice box. The muscle tension is preventing your voice to work properly. It also limits you to be effective in oral communication. What are the things that may trigger this kind of disorder? Well… one of the reasons is that the use of the pattern of muscle during laryngitis and it still remain even if the vocal cords swelling is already gone. Stressful situation and you being stressed-out is also one of the reasons. It can happen with other diagnosis.
Other Things You Should Know About Muscle Tension Dysphonia
1. What the muscle tension dysphonia can cause to your voice are sounds like hoarse, rough, raspy, gravelly, breathy, weak, whispery, strained, airy, squeezed, pressed, tense or tight. So, that’s not a good feeling to sum it up.
2. Other symptoms that the affected person may feel are the following: the voice that gives out or it becomes weaker and weaker if it is used continuously. Pitch of the voice that is too low or sometimes opposite feeling, it turns too high. Hard time singing, even if the note is being hit easily before. The symptoms also include tension or pain in the throat whenever the affected person is singing or talking and feeling of tiredness in the throat even if there’s no reason.
3. The most common treatment of this disorder is the involvement of voice therapy.
Treatments Applied to Muscle Tension Dysphonia?
The most renowned way to treat this kind of voice disorder is through voice therapy. There are a lot of medical service providers that can offer such treatment therapy in order to address the issue. The most appropriate niche in the medical field that specializes in dealing with muscle tension dysphonia is the EENT department or the Ear Eye nose and Throat Clinics or centers. They are highly capable of providing professional service to treat this voice disorder. If you are affected by this problem, the first thing that you can do to prevent the severity of the case is to take some rest and give your voice a rest as well.
Most Commonly Affected People
Most of the affected people by muscle tension dysphonia are those individuals who use their voice in their profession like Teachers, public speakers, singers and the like. If in case that you encountered such voice disorder, it is important not to take it for granted and don’t hesitate to consult your physician. It is highly vital to take the precautionary measure and the proper treatment to prevent serious situation further. There’s nothing you can compare having a life free of any health issue so take this facts into account.