High number of crimes is being recorded every day, such as rape, murder, kidnapping and a lot more. But one thing surely caught your curiosity, the suspect of these crimes. Everybody knows or familiar about famed serial killer all throughout the history. Even if you do not know about their lives, cases, stories or even how and why they were brought into that king of situation at least you’re familiar of some of their names. This people are totally different because they committed crimes for several times.
Most Popular Serial Killers
Here are some of the most popular serial killers all over the world: Zodiac Killer, Aileen Wournos, Wayne Williams, Ottis Toole, Richard Speck, Richard Ramirez, Carl Panzram, Charles Manson, Henry Lee Lucas, Peter Kurten, Edmund Kemper, Jack Ripper, Hillside Stranglers, Ed Gein, JohnWayne Gacy, Albert Fish, Albert DeSalvo, Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrew Cunanan, Andrei Chikatilo, Ted Bundy and David Berkowitz.
The question is, why do they conduct such crime? Are they suffering from any psychological disorders? Well, Psychological Disorder affect many of people, this is a type of illness which can be found anywhere in the world. This can range into generalized Anxiety Disorder and Clinical Depression or to a Tourettes’s Disorder and Schizophrenia. Below are the psychological disorders of a serial killer:
1. Hyperactivity or Attention Deficit Disorder: The key element of this is the hyperactivity impulsivity, inattention persistent pattern which can be severe or frequent compared to observe in typical individuals in the same development level. This can be seen in social situation, occupation and academic. For serial killers case, the attention deficit is the mainly prominent. There is evidence which correlates cognitive and behavioral disjunction in adults who was diagnoses to have ADD. They were commonly recommended to professionals like psychiatrists specialized in rage and psychopath.
2. Intermittent Explosive Disorder: People who suffer from these experiences aggressive and strong impulses which they cannot resist instead they act upon to it. This results to property destruction and assaults. This is very rare which can appear at the age of 20’s.
3. Conduct Disorder: A problem which consists of persistent and repetitive behavioral pattern which involves contravention of social age of major appropriate norms and peoples basic rights.
4. Psychopath/Sociopath or all known as Antisocial Personality Disorder: There are two main characteristics, manipulation and deceit.
Common Characteristics of Serial Killers
What does serial killers profiles have in common? Take a look at the following: Resentment from society, bipolar disorder or disorganized thinking, sexually frustrated, inability to become socially accepted or sociable, daydreaming, wild imagination, over bearing parent and masturbation compulsive isolation.
Serial killer can be compare to a child who has wild imagination and lives in a fantasy; they don’t have the opportunity or ability to develop like a normal person. They make their fancy as their reality, they never learned of intimacy and the live without conscience. They think as they were the most powerful and dominant, in which they don’t possess charm, remorse and they suffer from lack of insight.
To understand serial killers, you need to look into their childhood experience and assess. If you start looking in their upbringing you will surely know what kind of experience that triggers them to kill. Every persons whether killer or not, will act depending on how their life was stems from childhood. History, experiences affect your daily lives. There are some who seek medical advice once they realize that needed one, while there are some who cannot accept and face this which results to abuse to other people or even themselves.