May 2016 32
11 Virtue Ethics Strengths and Weaknesses
Virtue Ethics is one of the three approaches of normative ethics and is attributed to its founding fathers, Plato and Aristotle. Its emphasis is on a person’s individual character when it comes to ethical thinking as opposed to consequences and actions. There are three central concepts of Virtue Ethics, namely: eudaimonism, ethics of care and […]
7 Teleological Argument Strengths and Weaknesses
Also known as the argument from design, the teleological argument simply states that a designer must exist considering that life in the universe can only occur when it meets the right conditions of “certain fundamental physical constants that are within a very narrow range”, according to InspiringPhilosophy. They also exhibit marks of pattern, consistency, unity […]
6 Sagittarius Strengths and Weaknesses
Each sign of the Zodiac has an implication for people born within its birth months. Just like any others, those born under Sagittarius have been linked to some characteristics or qualities that fit their personalities. To know more about Sagittarians, here are some strengths and weaknesses that serve as guide in understanding their ups and […]
6 Psychodynamic Approach Strengths and Weaknesses
There are many things that currently happen to people but are very difficult to explain. One scenario involves someone who drinks a lot in a party and often being the center of attraction for many. However, when he or she wakes up, no memory of all that partying the night before can be recalled. Sometimes, […]
6 Performance Appraisal Strengths and Weaknesses
One of the common tools used by businesses to motivate their employees to work hard is performance appraisal. It can be applied to evaluate the job performance of a worker that spans over a period of one year. More so, it serves as a report card that managers can look to assess their employees’ work […]
10 Odysseus Strengths and Weaknesses
Also referred to as Ulysses, Odysseus is one of the characters in Homer’s epic, Odyssey and also a protagonist in another Greek epic, Iliad. He was a Greek hero, the son of Anticlea and Laertes, a great leader and eloquent speaker. Odysseus was said to have loved Helen of Troy but ended up marrying, Penelope. […]
5 Naturalistic Observation Strengths and Weaknesses
Psychologists and other social scientists make use of the naturalistic observation research method to observe subjects in their natural environment. This kind of research is mostly used when lab research is proven to be unrealistic, cost prohibitive or may affect the behavior of a subject. Naturalistic observation differs from structured observation in that the observer […]
6 Myers Briggs Strengths and Weaknesses
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is one of the personality tests widely used in hiring and employee development practices. In fact, 80% of Fortune 500 companies make use of such tools to assess their current and potential employees. The use of Myers Briggs and other such resources is to make better and more informed decisions […]
10 Marxism Strengths and Weaknesses
Economist, philosopher, sociologist, revolutionary socialist and journalist Karl Marx is regarded in history as the Father of Marxism, where much of the philosophy has to do with his obsession with the ideas of George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, who has been called the “Aristotle” of modern times” and used his system of dialectics to explain the […]
6 Longitudinal Study Strengths and Weaknesses
The term longitudinal study refers to the research condition when there are no interferences with the respondents or subjects. In other words, the researcher need not be collecting data based from a variety of respondents to get the variables required. Instead, only the same subjects are being observed a number of times in a particular […]
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